Relationship Goals: Do You Have Them?

By Barbarajpeters @CouplesAuthor

Setting goals is something we do every day, especially if we are employed. On a personal level we also set goals for ourselves. Have you ever set a goal to lose weight, score a promotion, win a tennis match, or find the love of your life? Your goal list can be endless and it changes all the time.

Goals keep us motivated to reach higher and encourage us to be better at something. Goals keep us working harder and smarter while putting
complacency aside. Goals keep us moving forward in our journey, and can also bring adventure into our lives. Goals can keep us organized and secure and are a testament to holding our best interests close.

 Some people only talk about goals, while others make them happen. The talkers may have good intentions, but don’t follow through. Those who reach goals see positive change happening. Which of the two are you?

 Setting goals to move the connection with your partner forward is important. Establishing goals for your relationship isn’t one-sided; it requires a commitment from both partners to reach success.

 Here are tips to incorporate goals into your relationship:

  1. Commit your goals to paper, and then share them with your partner. Talk about what you want to achieve, and determine if your partner agrees with you.
  2. Make goals specific. Discuss details how they can be reached. Sometimes it’s better to have several small goals instead of one big one which might be difficult to attain. It is easier to see progress using smaller, more workable steps.
  3. Make goals measurable. Set parameters to determine if you are moving forward effectively.
  4. Make relationship goals realistic. Allow a period of time for your goal to be met, and at the end of the allotted time, evaluate your progress. Don’t leave goals open-ended or they will be difficult to reach.
  5. Make the goal fit your values, strengths, and purpose. Be comfortable with the end result when your goal is reached.
  6. Identify why a goal is important to you, and discuss this with your partner.
  7. Identify obstacles that could keep you from achieving your goal; develop a plan of action to ensure success. Flexibility is important.
  8. Take consistent action daily to turn your goal into a reality. Use a support network you can depend on for accountability and encouragement.
  9. Finally, celebrate your accomplishment. 

 Nothing feels better than the sense of fulfillment upon reaching a measurable goal. You owe it to yourself and your partner to make relationship goals a reality. Setting aspirations for your life together is a meaningful way to encourage, celebrate, and honor each other.