Regarding Our Interview with Dr. Mercola

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

A week ago, we published an interview with Dr. Mercola. He's the founder of the massive alternative health website, which gets millions of visits per day, and a company with 150 employees. Calling him successful at what he's doing is an understatement.

We offered this interview as a look inside the mind of a fascinating man, while making it very clear that we in no way endorse all of his theories or products. However, after direct feedback from many readers I now realise that this was a mistake.

I believed we could show this interview without undermining our own trustworthiness. But it's now clear that for many people offering our platform to a prominent alternative medicine guru (with views that often lack scientific support) reduces our credibility. Showing this video next to interviews with other people with controversial, but still firmly science-based ideas, might also undermine the trustworthiness of the latter.

Trustworthiness is a core value at Diet Doctor. We base all of our advice on the best available science and experience, and take this responsibility extremely seriously.

In light of this I've decided to remove the interview from our site. We'll do our best to not repeat a similar mistake in the future.