Refreshing Treat: Homemade Fresh Fruit Pops

By Fashionlushxx @fashionlushxx

homemade fresh fruit pops

The other day I was stuck with some fresh fruit that I needed to do something with. At first I was thinking about strawberry baked chips, but I decided to save that for later. It has been hot lately, and I wanted something refreshing, yet not store bought (I’ll pass on all that sugar).

For a while now, I have been thinking about buying a Zoku popsicle maker… solely because it is one of the coolest things around. Yet instead of paying $40 for that bad boy, I decided to head to my local 99 cent store on the search for plastic popsicle holders. Guess what? I found them. Anyways, these popsicles ended up to be extremely delicious and actually disappeared rather quickly. Looks like these will be an all summer long staple in my household…

What’s your favorite summer sweet treat? 

homemade fresh fruit popsicles

How to make these easy popsicles:

  1. Pre-slice your fruit, I used strawberry & kiwi, but you can pick your favorites.
  2. Using organic lemonade, pour it into your molds half way only.
  3. Add some of the fruit to the lemonade. Put it in the freezer for a couple hours.
  4. Once that first layer is frozen, add a second layer of lemonade with fruit. I did this cause I didn’t want all the fruit to sink to the bottom.
  5. Let freeze overnight, and enjoy them the next day. You can even eat them with breakfast!

fresh fruit pops