By Reeseatomic @reeseatomic

Sorry this is going up later than usual. Been crazy busy with work and also organising our trip away for my birthday at the end of the month.
I hope everyone had a good month of July though. I don’t have many favourites this month (trying to save for a holiday) but here are what I’ve enjoyed…

Dr LeWinn’s 4 Fusion Cleansing Oil, $29.99 (200mL)
I’ve been using this to take off my makeup this month instead of the standard makeup wipes and I have to say, I think I’m going to continue using it. It breaks down waterproof makeup gently without tugging at the skin around my eyes too much. It also leaves your skin super soft too. If you apply your moisturiser straight after, your skin won’t break out. Promise.
Available from Priceline and anywhere that sells Dr LeWinn’s products.

Trilogy Vital Moisturising Cream, $39.99 (60mL)
This product is recommended for the day, but I like to applying it at night because it’s really rich and creamy. I find in the morning, my skin is the softest it’s ever been. You don’t need a lot either, so a 60mL tub will last you forever!
Available from a href=”” target=”_tab”>Priceline and anywhere that sells Trilogy products.

Weleda Citrus Deodorant, $17.95* (100mL)
I thought I’d try a different brand of deodorant and this is what I’ve been loving this month. I’m trying to break away from everyday deodorants that you find in the supermarket or drugstore, and this was a good change. Keep in mind, this still has alcohol in it, but overall, it does it’s purpose.
Available from most health food stores and David Jones.

Saucebox Étude eyeshadow palette, $59.00 (8 shadows, 4.5g each)
This was an impulse purchase but one I’m glad I made. I love my neutral eye palettes and this is another one I can add to my most reached for. You get 8 shades, all matte and there are endless combinations you can do with them. Plus, it has the blackest black I’ve seen since Urban Decay’s ‘Blackout’, so if you’re in the market for a blacker black eye shadow, this is definitely one to look into.
Available from Lipstick Republic and if you drop RepublicVIBs at the checkout you’ll receive 10% off your entire purchase.

* – Price paid on sale.


I know I’m a million years behind, but I’ve been listening to a lot of Gabrielle Aplin this month. Love her unique voice to no end!

What are YOUR July favourites?

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