Red Moon

By Vickilane

Last night's moon made me think of a favorite poem by Garcia Lorca. . . sorry I can't manage the diacritical marks for the Spanish. Cancion de Jinete Song of the Rider
Cordoba. Lejana y sola. Cordona. Far and alone.
Jaca negra, luna grande, Black pony, big moon,
Y aceitunas en mi alforja. and olives in my saddlebag.
Aunque sepa los caminos Although I know the roads
yo nunca llegare a Cordoba. I will never get to Cordoba.

Por el llano, por el viento, Through the wind, across the plain,
jaca negra, luna roja. black pony, red moon.
La muerte me esta mirando Death is looking at me
desde las torres de Cordoba. from the towers of Cordoba.
Ay que camino tan largo! Oh, how long the road!
Ay me jaca valerosa! Oh, my brave pony!
Ay, que la muerte me espera, Oh, for death awaits me,
antes de llegar a Cordoba! before I get to Cordoba!
Cordoba. Lejana y sola. Cordoba. Far and alone.