Red and Purple Heels

By Urhappybunnie @joaniebunnie
Hello ladies! I know, I know... it has been such a long time since I had something up and it has taken me a week to have a post up after I said I am back from a very long vacation to the Philippines. Honestly I have been postponing making a blog post for I don't have any idea where to start. I used to have an average of 3 posts per week but I think I'll be resulting to one post a week now since I'll be quite busy with work and study. Yes, you heard that right. I'll be studying again for my next attempt to pass the board. 
Anyway, enough with the chitchat and let's head on to my first blog post after a long hiatus. :)
I believe that I haven't ever done a fashion related blog post or something aside from hauls so I think I'll be starting off with this. I'm featuring this very hot red and purple Mary Jane platform pumps which I bought in the Philippines. It has a very nice comfortable fit but walking in it is a bit difficult. I really love the height it gives me though. The shoes are by the brand Syrup Los Angeles which is carried by the store People are People (which is practically one of my favorite stores back home). 

It was very hot in the Philippines during my vacation since it was still summer and the rainy season hasn't started yet but I was adamant to wear shorts and heels at the same time during the day that I decided to go with a tank top and skinny jeans that day. 
It has also been awhile since my boyfriend took pictures of me so he indulged me with my very own photoshoot for the shoes.  

 Adding the MAC Viva Glam Nicki lippie really made the photo so much better. :)
More blog posts from my long vacation coming soon! Hope you like this one. Let me know what you think and what you would like to see next. I will try my best to have another post up by tomorrow.
Photos are credited to my lovely boyfriend Eric. :)