Recipe: Smoothies for DAYS

By Uwbrooke

I don’t know about you, but some days it is just too hot to do anything.  Forget exercising, working, eating… heck, forget about getting dressed even.  It’s too hot.  I can’t handle it.  Today is one of those days.  It’s past time for me to sit on my couch in front of a fan wearing a bikini while I drink a smoothie.  Then, it’s time for a nap on the patio.

Although I try to steer clear of regularly replacing a meal with a smoothie, there are certain days when I don’t mind doing just that.  Usually, these days are ones in which I just know that I am going to indulge in a big meal later on (or indulged heavily the night before) and want to save up some calories.  Other days are those like today, when I just don’t have an appetite but need to get some fuel in my system.  I always have protein powder on hand in both chocolate and vanilla flavors to ramp up the nutritional power of my smoothies, but have been known to leave out the protein powder if I don’t need it that day.  Because I don’t have seriously adverse reactions to dairy, I use a non-gluten whey protein powder – depending on your sensitivity, you may need to use hemp or another plant-based protein.  There are tons of options, so pick your way through the nutrition aisle during your next visit to Whole Foods.  Another option is to toss in a whole egg before blending everything together.  Your call.  Here are some of my favorite recipes!  The directions for each are as follows: toss everything into a blender.  Blend. That’s it.

Almond Butter, Banana and Chocolate Smoothie
1 c. coconut milk
1 tsp. almond butter
1 banana, cut into chunks
1 handful of ice cubes
1 scoop chocolate protein powder OR 1 tsp. unsweetened cocoa powder and 1 raw egg

Very Berry Smoothie
1 c. coconut milk
Handful of frozen strawberries
Handful of frozen blueberries
1 banana, cut into chunks
1 scoop vanilla protein powder OR 1 raw egg

Chocolate-Avocado Smoothie
1/4 c. coconut water
1/2 c. water
Handful ice cubes
1 small avocado
1/2 banana
1 Tbsp. pistachios
2 tsp. unsweetened cocoa powder
1 scoop chocolate whey protein powder OR 1 egg

Coffee Protein Shake
1 c. brewed coffee, chilled
1 c. coconut milk
1/2 banana, preferably frozen
1 or 2 medjool dates
Couple of drops of vanilla extract
2 tsp. cocoa powder
2 Tbsp. walnuts
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
Handful of ice cubes