RECIPE: Scrummy Banana Muffins!

By Laineylulu @LaineyLuLuLife

I hate wasting anything and when I see some bananas looking decidedly browning and forlorn I rescue them by whipping up some of these babies!  Really easy to make and they freeze like a dream too - just defrost and perk 'em up with a few seconds in the microwave!
Ingredients: (Makes 6 large muffins or 12 small)
 200g (7 oz) plain flour
 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
 1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
 1/2 teaspoon salt
 3 large bananas
 150g (5 oz) caster sugar
 1 egg
 75g (2 1/2 oz) butter, melted (30 secs in the microwave should do the trick!)
Large Bowl Sieve Masher/Fork Spoon to measure and one to mix Muffin/Cake Cases Muffin Tin/Cake Tin

Preheat the oven to 180 C / Gas 4. Place muffin cases in a muffin tin. Take the sieve and  sift together the flour, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda and salt - put to one side. Mash the bananas (very theraputic! You can use a fork or I used a potato masher), sugar, egg and melted butter in a large bowl. Stir in flour mixture a little at a time until smooth. (I like to place a folded damp cloth under my bowl to keep it steady so your hand is free to pour the flour mixture) Spoon evenly into baking cases in muffin tin.

Bake in preheated oven for 25 to 30 minutes or until cooked ( They'll spring back to the touch - or I prefer to insert a skewer/knife and if it's clean when you remove it they're ready!) If they get a little brown on top before they're cooked through just put a loose sheet of foil over the top - if you have a fan oven you will have to make a loose 'tent' by securing the edges or the foil will blow off......
Remove from oven whilst inhaling the delicious banana aroma.  Try to eat at least one whilst still warm..... However, do try to resist eating them all....!

Laters Peeps Love Lainey x