(Recipe) 2 Tablespoons Per Day and Tell God to Abdominal Fat.

By Jeak @mylifeandheath

how my life and health
(Recipe) 2 tablespoons per day and tell god to abdominal fat.

In addition to a balanced diet and regular sport, certain foods can speed up the fat burning process. Among them coconut oil. Rich in fatty acid, it seems impossible that this oil can help to lose weight, yet this is the case!

Coconut oil is a miraculous oil with multiple benefits. Applied to the skin or hair, it moisturizes and nourishes and helps treat many problems like wrinkles, stretch marks or burns.

But coconut oil is also an ally of slimming waist! Indeed, this oil consists of medium chain fatty acids, triglycerides (MCT). They are easily digested and burned by the body. Thus, due to the way these fatty acids are metabolized by the body, coconut oil can reduce appetite, stimulate fat burning by improving the metabolism, which results in a healthy weight loss.

How to use coconut oil for weight loss?

Here are some effective recipes using coconut oil to help you lose weight:

  •   Take a tablespoon of coconut oil twice a day with meals. You can also consume just after dinner and use it as a substitute for olive oil. It is best to use oil cold pressed virgin coconut.
  •   Add one or two tablespoons of coconut oil in a hot glass of water or herbal tea. Mix and drink regularly.
  •   In a glass, mix some lemon juice with a tablespoon of coconut oil and a little water. Then add some warm water and mix thoroughly. Drink this mixture in the morning. Lemon is also effective for weight loss.
  •   Mix two tablespoons of soup of green tea leaves, hot water and a tablespoon of coconut oil. Let stand for a few minutes before filtering. Eat Drink slowly and steadily.
  •   You can also enjoy the benefits of coconut oil by adding two tablespoons of this oil in your smoothies, yogurt or juice fuits

    A smoothie recipe based on coconut:

    To make this recipe you will need the following ingredients:

  •   400 ml of fresh coconut and canned milk
  •   ½ teaspoon of coconut oil
  •   200 ml of water
  •   A handful of cherries or blueberries 1 cup

    Place all ingredients in a blender and mix. You can add stevia to sweeten. Drink this smoothie regularly to enjoy its benefits.
    How much oil coconut should you eat to lose weight?

    Coconut oil dose recommendations for consumption vary depending on the weight of each person:

  •   Between 40 and 59 kg: ½ tablespoon coconut oil to eat before each meal for a total of a tablespoon and a half / day
  •   Between 59 kilos and 81 kilos 1 tablespoon coconut oil to take before each meal. A total of 3 tablespoons / day
  •   Over 81 kg: 1 ½ tablespoon of coconut oil before meals, for a total of 4.5 tablespoons per day.

    It is generally advisable, especially for people who do not usually take it, include it gradually in their diet.
    Start with 2 teaspoons a day, then gradually increase the amount.
    What is the best time to consume coconut oil for weight loss?

    15 to 20 minutes before meals is the perfect time to consume coconut oil. It will help you reduce your appetite. Be sure to liquefy it before drinking.
    Coconut oil for weight loss for people with hypothyroidism:

    Hypothyroidism refers to the low production of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland, which plays an important role in the body. Among the symptoms of this disease, a visible weight gain, which is caused by lower energy costs and slowing metabolism.

    Coconut oil can be effective for weight loss, in this case. The latter can increase metabolism and improve thyroid function by providing a right kind of fatty acids.

    Eat a teaspoon of coconut oil, then increase the dose little by little to get to 3 tablespoons daily.

(Recipe) 2 tablespoons per day and tell god to abdominal fat.