Normally I would wait till I found a discount coupon or website with a sale happening to make a purchase like this but the Clarisonic Mia has been on my wish list for about 2 years now. I heard that Myer was now stocking Clarisonic products so I threw caution to the wind and went down to my local store and purchased the Mia for full price RRP $149. Now I know I could find it online for a much better price but you know what... this time I just wanted instant gratification!
RRP $149
Clarisonic Mia (White) and Trial Size Cleanser
I have no regrets purchasing this instore cause I now have it in my hot little hands and I tell you what I am so excited to start using it. I am going to keep you updated on the progress of my skin as I start using it. I am going to give it a month then I'll post here with my thoughts.