Recent Empties

By Behindtheseclosedeyes @theseclosedeyes
I haven't done an empties post in so long and to be honest that's because I'm too forgetful to keep a hold of empty products rather than just firing them straight in the bin. So over the last few weeks, these are a few of the things that I have finished that I actually remembered to hold on to.

Herbal Essences Dazzling Shine Intensive Mask was a spur of the moment purchase a few months ago when Boots were offering all of the Herbal Essences range at half price, and out of the intensive masks this one was the most appealing to me. I was always on the hunt for shinier hair and since this product was marketed as 'dazzling shine' I thought it was worth a go. While it was a nice enough treatment for my hair, I didn't see any amazing changes in the shine of my hair and therefore don't think I will be repurchasing.
Dove Beauty Finish Deodorant is something I wasn't sure if I'd include as it isn't the most exciting of products but hey ho, here it is. I bought this deodorant back when Dove and Nails Inc collaborated around Christmastime last year and can you believe it has lasted me this long. It seemed to be the never ending can and I'll admit I was sad to see it finish as it had a lovely scent and I found it to be enough protection during the day. I'll most likely be repurchasing this once my little collection of backups are finished.
Superdrug Vitamin E Intense Moisture Cream is one of those products that has had its fair share of coverage on my blog and for good reason too. This little tub has been my go-to moisturiser for the past few months and a little definitely goes a long way as it took me a long time to get through the whole tub. I used to use it as my daily moisturiser but a couple of months ago it was moved to my night cream as it is a very rich formula and was getting a bit too much for my skin which has been starting to turn to the oily side. I will definitely be repurchasing this moisturiser as I can't seem to live without it now!
Dove Hair Therapy Nourishing Oil Care Express Treatment is another hair treatment which didn't leave me completely wow'd, although it was still very nice and left my hair feeling in better condition. I previously made a post about it here and since then I have changed my mind on it as I think the initial effects of the conditioner wore off very quickly and therefore didn't make a huge difference after a few washes. I'm probably just being too picky about intensive conditioners now as I seem to be on a mission to make my hair look its very best, especially now that it is getting very long and a dull finish is just a no-no. For that reason I probably won't be repurchasing this conditioner and will still be looking out for alternatives to try.