Reasons Why You Should Consider Family Therapy

Posted on the 21 May 2022 by Ncrimaldi @MsCareerGirl

No family is perfect or always content. Though many issues can be resolved through good communication and collaboration, some challenges could use the help of a licensed mental health professional.

However, not enough families utilize this important service simply because they don't know its benefits. But family therapy could be the thing that heals your family dynamic and strengthens it so your family can overcome any future challenges. If your family is having some struggles or collectively going through some significant transitions, you may want to consider family therapy. Below are some of the best reasons to try family therapy.

Blended Family

There will always be a bit of an adjustment when two families unite into one. Schedules, responsibilities, and priorities tend to clash, which may cause tension and strife within the household. Though many of these matters can be handled through communication and boundary setting, sometimes a therapist can be a great neutral party to sort out these matters.

A family therapist can provide a safe space for everyone to discuss their needs, boundaries, and complaints about the new setup. They can also help improve communication so everyone can develop the skills needed to work through their problems in the future. Furthermore, a therapist can also help with processing and addressing the emotions that come up during this, such as confusion, jealousy, and anger.

Working Through Divorce

The grief that comes from a divorce or separation can be long-lasting if there aren't active attempts to heal and process it. Furthermore, divorce and separations rarely just affect the separating couple. Children are often deeply affected and struggle to navigate this major life change. In addition to the logistics of the separation, everyone involved needs to come together to process the emotions that come up.

A therapist can help everyone involved communicate through the separation and work on their emotions together. Strife and tension are bound to arise during a separation, even if it is mutual and amicable. A therapist can help work through any conflicts that arise and help everyone create a new normal life post-separation.

Loss Of A Loved One

A loss of a family member is one of the most difficult challenges any person can face. There is nothing more heartbreaking than the despair and grief from loss. Though families often unite together to help each other heal, this process does not necessarily come easily or without its own challenges.

Therapists are great professionals to connect with to help process any overwhelming feelings of grief. They can help the family work on their collective grief together and work through any challenges that may be hindering the healing process. Furthermore, they can help the family find a way forward and build a new life and future.

Struggling Balancing Family And Work

Though working on your career is essential, letting it take over your family time is not. There will always be busy periods in your career that cut a bit into your family time. But if they are long-lasting or become permanent, then it could weaken the family dynamic.

Learning to balance work and family is essential for a good quality of life. Inability to do so will affect your relationships with your family. A family therapist can provide tips on creating that balance and create a safe space where everyone in the family can express their needs and boundaries. This ensures that no one in the family is neglected and that your career doesn't overtake your life.

Mental Illness

Sometimes familial love and support are not enough to treat a mental illness. If someone in the family is living with a mental health condition, it will inevitably affect everyone in the home. The person may exhibit symptoms that affect the quality of life of everyone in the family. Furthermore, their symptoms may also impede household responsibilities and interfamilial relationships, causing additional tension.

It's important that the family member gets individual counseling and treatment. It may also be beneficial for the family to partake in therapy as well. A therapist will not only help the affected person with their treatment. They can guide the family on ways to best support and help the family member during this time. They can also assist with any concerns, emotions, or mental health effects they are experiencing as a result of their loved one's mental illness.

Final Thoughts On Family Therapy

Families go through all sorts of challenges and roadblocks. And though families often are able to come together to overcome these obstacles, sometimes a therapist can help immensely. Hopefully, this article persuaded you of the importance of family therapy for major life transitions and challenges. If you are looking for more tips on creating a positive family life, then click here for further reading.

This post was developed via a partnership with BetterHelp.


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