I work part time from home, but I’m also 100% responsible for my two and a half year old from 8 am – 8 pm daily and only work in the hours when he sleeps. This means that we are out and about all the time. Now that the chillier weather has arrived, some mornings are passed at the Ludoteca, which means “place of play”. These are similar to daycares with teachers who prepare daily activities, theatrical performances, arts and crafts and manage the space. The only difference is that someone must accompany the child! I LOVE going there, it is like reliving my childhood but right beside my son! We have so much fun, but because this is a free service we can only go a few times a week (and that’s ok!)
The days when we’re not there you’ll find us at the library, at swim class, music class, picking apples, grapes, chestnuts, visiting cheese making factories, or bike riding to the park!
The Playground
I hangout at the park a lot, so it is no surprise that I’ve made a lot of playground mom friends and have taken a lot of playground mom style pictures; like this mom in animal print and a jean skirt, this indie mom from the playgroup, Morena at the park or this stylish Kimono mom.
What fascinates me about the playground is how Italians still manage to play while looking chic. Personally though, there is something that actually puts me off when people try too hard to dress up for the playground. And YES, this is actually a thing here too! You’ll find women in wedges, heels and mini skirts at the playground! But I guess that’s what makes Italian moms special too (remember the pretty high heeled mom?)
Every now and then there is a mom that totally NAILS the playground look…and this was one of those times.
What She Wore
Long, floppy beanie hats are EVERYWHERE this season. Even I’ve been wearing one (remember this look). They are the perfect accessory for moms because:
a) beanies are cool
b) you don’t really need to comb your hair to wear one (and by really I mean, you don’t need to comb your hair at ALL!)
c) they make whatever you’re wearing more “fashionable”
This mom’s look has so many great and yet simple elements. I love her oversized black top with wing sleeves, which to me just screams Paris. And her red converse runners and bright houndstooth pattern scarf are just the right amount of sporty and bright!
But the best accessory this mom had was her super cute little guy, who was just as stylish as her!
#REASONSTODRESS Real Mom Street Style Linkup & Tag Party
Feel free to read all about this linkup here and what it stands for. Every week I will feature looks from the linkup, an instagrammer who has tagged a photo #reasonstodress and a real mom in Italy or in the world! The linkup happens every Tuesday but lasts all week, feel free to join at any time!
#reasonstodress – Fab Five
Every week I’ll feature an Instagrammer that has tagged an outift selfie #reasonstodress and four of the linkup bloggers at random!
Instagrammer : mom_mode
Running in Lavender with my Girls
Sweaters, Stripes & Sweets
Mama and More
Elegance and Mommyhood