Ready in 5 Minutes, Drink for 5 Days and Lose Kilos

By Jeak @mylifeandheath

how my life and health
Ready in 5 minutes, drink for 5 days and lose kilos

During the summer, we tend to pay much more attention to our body that will be a little exposed. It was at this time of year that the beads of winter we seem ungainly and we regret not to be rid of before the season of bikinis. But it is never too late to start! Here is a very simple recipe to prepare to help you lose those extra kilos.

fat deposits in the body are not a cosmetic problem, they threaten global health. Indeed, the accumulation of fat and overweight are generally caused by stress, hormonal imbalances, poor diet and physical inactivity, and related to many health problems. They increase particularly the risks of developing type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Recently, a genuine awareness is observed. More and more people trying to reduce their weight in order to maintain their health, but also to have better pace. Conventional methods and most natural to get there are the regular practice of a sport and healthy eating.

Health professionals recommend a balanced diet where you prefer fruits and seasonal vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and foods rich in good fats. They also recommend avoiding the consumption of processed products that contain a lot of salt, fat and sugar, enemy number one health.

Regarding physical activity, experts advise to do 3 sessions of sport per week at minimum. Each person can choose the activity that suits most of its objectives and that meets their preferences. Dancing, swimming, aerobics, weight training, pilates … the palette is very wide, it is important to move.

Always in sport, it is very important to vary the activities to surprise the body, which can easily get used to certain exercises, and burn more calories.

Alongside sport and balanced diet, some natural tips can also help speed up the weight loss process. Here is a very effective recipe to get rid of excess weight:

1 lemon
60 g of parsley
30 ml water
Squeeze the lemon to extract the juice and finely chop the parsley. Put the two ingredients in a bowl and cover with the recommended amount of water. Let stand for a few minutes.

This drink is to be consumed each morning fasting for 5 days. You can do another cure, but by spacing the two courses a month.

Be sure to prepare this drink every morning for it to be quite fresh.
Benefits of ingredients:
The lemon
Lemon is a real health ally. Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiseptic, this citrus fruit helps to treat many everyday ailments. It is also rich in antioxidants, magnesium, potassium, calcium, and vitamin C which strengthens the immune system.

Lemon is widely used for beauty treatments, but also is effective for weight loss. Indeed, thanks to its content of dietary fiber (pectin), lemon has a satiating effect that reduces appetite. This citrus fruit is also able to stimulate the metabolism to promote fat burning.

Parsley is a mine of benefits to health. This aromatic plant is rich in minerals (iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus …) and vitamins (C, K, and B9) essential to the proper functioning of the body. It also contains large amounts of antioxidants which fight against free radicals.

Parsley is a powerful diuretic that helps eliminate toxins and is effective for relieving urinary tract infections. In addition, it has carminative properties that help remove intestinal gas can cause bloating, promotes digestion and helps treat constipation.

Parsley can also help with weight loss due to its fiber content which provide a feeling of satiety sustainable. This plant also acts as an anti-cellulite, because it is able to gradually reduce cellulite.

Ready in 5 minutes, drink for 5 days and lose kilos