Reading and Writing and Gardening

By Vickilane
Some book pusher, probably Mario over on Facebook, recommended this book at sometime in the past and I promptly downloaded it to my Kindle and forgot about it. I noticed it a few days ago and, curious, read the first few pages. And kept reading. And kept reading.  I had spent a grueling previous day, organizing the rest of that Civil War novel, sketching out the remaining chapters, and reading through the great wad of research that was clogging the path between the first half of the book -- which is written in mostly coherent chapters -- and the second half -- which consists of half written scenes, notes and queries to myself, and more of this copied and pasted research. My brain hurt and spending some time away from the Civil War and in a post-apocalyptic future was just what I needed. Tepper's novel reminds me a bit of THE HANDMAID'S TALE but it focuses on two very different societies. Women's Country, which appears to be based on the militaristic society of ancient Sparta (note that I said appears) and  Holyland -- which bears a lot of resemblance to some of the renegade polygamist sects still extant in out own country..  It's a terrific read with a surprising (to me, at least) twist. Warmly recommended -- and thanks to the book pusher who told me about it.
And then there was the garden. We've had almost daily rain and things are ripening apace -- crookneck and zucchini squash, broccoli, peppers, lettuce, and purple beans. Yesterday I picked the first tomato.  The game is very much afoot. Garden and put up veg by day; write after lunch and at night.  I'm working on the last five chapters -- as I know just what I want to say in them. When they are done to my satisfaction, I'll go back and  work my way toward them. Onward!