Rant: Dinair :(

By Makeupchicliterarygeek @DoriaJM
You guys know I rarely "rant" unless it's a pretty ridiculous situation and I feel that I've lead you to believe something else about the company prior to my bad experience. I think this rant is merited, unfortunately.
As many of you know, I purchased a Dinair last year after wanting one for quite some time. I was beyond excited when it arrived, but I quickly realized after setting it up and using it that something was wrong with the airbrush. I ran through all of the troubleshooting on the DVD that came with it, then turned to calling Dinair for help. After several attempts of receiving troubleshooting advice over the phone, I asked to speak with a supervisor. Here I was with a brand new Dinair which I'd been unable to successfully use from the beginning. The supervisor I spoke with was extremely understanding and said they would repair or replace it free of charge. Once the holidays were over I sent my airbrush in, expecting to receive it back in working order so I could finally enjoy the perks of airbrushing.
I just received my airbrush 30 minutes ago and after taking it out of its protective case I nearly hit the floor. It now has a crushed tip, deep gouge, and upon unscrewing the back I found a little web of fibers twisted around its insides.

It's crushed on the right side :(


It looks like someone took pliers or something to it and gouged the underside.

It was super hard to capture, but right where the inner piece and the larger piece meet there's a little spiderweb of fibers wrapped around it. I tried to pull some of them off, but they're screwed into my airbrush.

The order states that my airbrush was cleaned and repaired. From all I can see, it was damaged and dirtied. I am blown away that anyone would think it was okay to damage this and then send it back! I was also kind of surprised that it wasn't sent back with the rubber band pulling the toggle back as that's how Dinair instructs you to store it at all times and that's how I sent it.
Either way, I am beyond livid! I called customer service (as the site lists that customer service is open Saturdays for "customer service and retail" from 9am to 5pm) and was told by a girl who made it very clear she did not feel it was her place to handle my issue that she and the one other person there only took sales calls, not customer service. She also said she could do nothing to help me as she wasn't in the shipping or repair department. Really? I emailed instead, hoping for better results. No response as of yet.
All I can say is that as of right now, my personal experience with Dinair has been a huge disappointment. I hope that they take this seriously. I'm absolutely beyond confused by this. I hope this was a major "oops" and oversight and that they'll resolve it immediately. For now, I'm trying not to get overly upset and hoping that this ends on a positive note.
I wanted to let you guys know what was going on as I'd spoken about my Dinair before and suggested it as a possibility to others based on my research prior to my experience. I'll be sure to update my blog to let you know how/if this is resolved.
The last 24 hours have not been the best, let's hope the rest of the weekend is better!