Radio Interviews with Barbara J. Peters

By Barbarajpeters @CouplesAuthor

Barbara J. Peters shares her insights and experience as a relationship expert, couples counselor and author with radio show hosts throughout the U.S. on blog radio and syndicated shows.

Barbara’s energetic and open approach on all topics of relationships gives the listeners the information they are looking for. She offers relationship advice on a variety of common topics facing couples today. With an energetic, casual and conversational style she gives the listener the information they are looking for.

October 2, 2011 The Creating Happily Ever After Radio Interview with Michelle Vaasquez (:29.01)

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Barbara talks with Michelle Vaasquez, MS, LPC, author of the book Creating Happily Ever After about what it takes to “create happily ever after.” She uses an analogy of a pie with several slices all contributing to relationship success. The slices include: taking care of oneself, taking care of the couple and then using the FACTS from Barbara’s book The Gift of a Lifetime. She also shares a news article about what celebrities say about how they are creating happily ever after marriages.

Information on Michelle Vasquez

August 3, 2011 Dresser After Dark Radio Show with Michael Dresser (:16:04)

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Michael Dresser and Barbara talked about about what needs to happen between 2 people to make their relationship meaningful. One of the key points made is that you first have to “be” the person who you would want to be in a relationship with. Communicating with another on ways to receive and give love and sharing different definitions help decrease barriers to closeness, increase connection, and create a new perspective. She recommends getting on top of a problem early instead of adopting a wait and see attitude.

Information on the Dresser After Dark Radio Show

August 9, 2011 The Communication Corner Radio Show with Bill Lampton (:50:16)

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Some of the topics included in Barbara and Bill’s discussion include: Realistic expectations for marriage; the impact children have on the primary relationship: finances and how a couple views money; and the impact of divorce particularly seen in marriages of 30-40 years duration. She also talks about some of the positive interventions she uses within her counseling practice.

Information on the Bill Lampton Radio Show

June 22, 2011 The Authors Wellness Show with host Don McCauley (:15:55)

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Barbara sat down to chat with Don McCauley host of the Authors Wellness Show to discuss her first book The Gift of a Lifetime, Building A Marriage That Lasts with a focus on how she sees the traditional marriage and how it looks in society today. She discusses how this book can make the difference between having a second honeymoon or visiting a divorce attorney. Discussing the FACTS and FAITH as the major players in marital success, Barbara presents her central message: that of the lasting relationship.

Information on the Authors Wellness Show

April 3, 2011 Lets Talk Radio Show with host Dr. Stan Frager (:38:33)

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The theme of the show centered around defining couples. Dr. Frager and Barbara engaged in a conversation about the use of the acronym FACTS referenced in Barbara’s first book The Gift of a Lifetime, Building A Marriage That Lasts. The 5 main ingredients to a marriage to last a lifetime are: Forgiveness, Acceptance, Compassion Trust and Spirituality. She also touches on a new type of “affair” and the benefits of it on a marriage. Making the interview a bit personal she also discloses some of her family history which had a great impact on her chosen career.

Information on Lets Talk Radio Show