Quinoa + Chia Porridge !

By Fitnessontoast @fitnessontoast

Despite its unstoppable rise to world domination, I remain a massive fan of quinoa and have featured it multiple times on Fitness On Toast – My recent ‘Quinoa Granola‘, this ‘Festive Grilled Salmon & Quinoa‘ dish,  and this ‘Quinoa Bean Salad‘ to name just a few. It’s a powerhouse seed which provides all 9 essential amino acids (a complete protein – great for veggies), plus it’s cholesterol-free, very low in sodium, and it’s almost always organic! Chia seeds (another ‘limelight’ superfood) grow to 9x their original size upon encountering water water which helps you to feel fuller for longer and keeping you hydrated too, plus they’re antioxidant rich, are high in protein, and a densely packed source of Omega 3. Blend it all together in a breakfast bowl with some coconut milk, yoghurt, grated apple, vanilla etc… click MORE to get the full recipe!

Whilst quinoa is typically only featured as a savoury dish, I think it lends itself unbelievably well to sweet flavours too. With the combination of coconut milk (which can also be replaced with almond or milk) and vanilla it makes for a natural and deliciously sweet, healthy porridge to start the day! Best served warm, so just pop it in the microwave to heat up! Here’s what you’ll need…


100 grams Quinoa
1 Apple
1 vanilla pod
100 grams Coconut milk
100 grams Water


Yogurt Berries (Strawberries, raspberries, blackcurrants, blueberries). Flaked Coconuts / Almonds Soaked Chia seeds (see how to here)


1. Bring 100 ml of water to boil and add 100 g of uncooked quinoa to the saucepan.
2. Immediately reduce the heat to a low ‘simmering’ mark, and add 1 cup of coconut milk. Also add the vanilla pod, which should be sliced, with the seeds scattered into the saucepan.
3. Cover the saucepan and let it simmer until the contents are plump, and most of the liquid has been absorbed for 15 to 20 minutes. Finally ‘fluff’ with a fork (excuse my technical instructions, ahem!).
4. Grate the apple and add it to the porridge.
5. I added 4tbsp of homemade cold-pressed apple juice but you could add concentrate or indeed 1 tsp of vanilla extract.
6. Finally add your toppings, to your taste, and enjoy! Faya x

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