Quick Tennis Fix: Frozen Veggies Are N-Ice For Injuries

By Kselz @TennisFixation

What’s the most popular treatment for the vast majority of injuries you suffer on the tennis court?  I’m betting its usually “apply ice.”  Icing an area of your body can help reduce the pain and swelling that comes from muscle pulling, strain, inflammation or a sprain.

My favorite way to ice an injury at home is to apply a bag of frozen veggies wrapped in a clean dish towel to the sore area.  A bag of frozen peas is just about perfect – its usually the right size, molds nicely to any area of the body and, after use, can be tossed back into the freezer for future icing or for dinner.  Just remember -

- you’ll get the most benefit by icing within 48 hours of injury,

- move your veggie ice pack around the injured area frequently, to avoid frostbite,

- keep the area you’re icing elevated, and

- ice for no longer than 15 to 20 minutes at a time.

While the frozen veggie trick won’t help you much out on the court (unless you’re carrying freezer goods in your tennis bag), it can provide relief once you’re home.

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