Quick Ghorme Sabzi with Chicken

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

This fragrant stew - often referred to as Iran's national dish - is traditionally made with lamb and slow-cooked for hours. We don't have time for that! We put our own spin on it using chicken and cut some clever corners to reduce the cooking time. Fenugreek and lime are key players in this unique dish, and fresh herbs add bright notes. This exquisite meal is high in protein, low carb, and dairy free - this king of all stews is a revelation!

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This dish can be made with a dried sabzi herb mix soaked in water and drained multiple times over 30 minutes. Substitute 5 oz (150 g) per 4 servings of the dried herb mix for the fresh herbs and scallions.

Traditionally, dried limes are pierced and added to the stew. As this is a simplified, quick version, the flavors will not have time to develop, so we're using fresh limes instead.

For an even heartier meal, try using lamb or beef, which is more authentic.

Slow cooker method

This can also be made in a slow cooker, making it perfect for meal prepping. After frying the meat and onion, add it to the slow cooker with the rest of the ingredients. Cook for at least 3 hours on high.