Quick and Simple Ways to Get Rid of Acne Scars Naturally

By Stylishwalks @stylishwalks

Acne scars are a thing of great worry for all those people who want to look good. Acne can be in the form of black and white heads, or the pimples, or the scarring in the form of scaly red patches, which are caused due to the over active sebaceous glands. Most of the teens who are hitting their puberty, and some among the adults have to live with it. Though nobody is sure about what causes acne, many from the scientific field believe it is connected in some way to a hormone in our body called androgen. This is a hormone which that makes the oil glands in the skin to enlarge and contract depending upon its level in the skin and thus causing acne. This hormone is produced by the body only when one reaches puberty. That is why experts believe there should be some connection between this hormone and acne.

 Image credits: freshviews

Some people are genetically prone to have acne, while others have it because of the hormone changes in the body. The other common causes for acne to form are sun exposure, stress, medication, diet, friction of skin with cloth you wear or the sport equipments you use.

If you doubt what your diet has to do with acne, there are some points that you need to take care in your diet; mainly regarding your intake of dairy, carbohydrates and omega 3 fatty acids. While milk is very good for your diet, it can also increase the production of oil and lead to acne. On the other hand, having more carbohydrates will help you control acne as it can reduce skin inflammations. In the same way, omega 3 fatty acids can also control the inflammatory chemicals that cause acne in your body, thus control your acne.

Acnes often leave behind their marks on your face which often makes you look bad and bring down yourself confidence. Acnes are not supposed to be seen lightly as it is caused by bacterial infection. Do consult a good dermatologist if you suffer from a lot of acne, have a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables and stay health. Let us see some of the natural and home based solutions for removing acne scars:

Aloe Vera juice: Aloe Vera is a natural antibacterial agent that can prevent inflammation and reduce pimples in a few hours. Apply the Aloe Vera gel on the acne and see the magic. It can also be used on small burns too.

Baking soda: a paste made of baking soda and water is found to be an effective solution to prevent acne marks. Apply this paste on your acne marks and clean it off with lukewarm water after four minutes.

Fenugreek: fenugreek is a good preventive measure for acne. You can either use fenugreek seed paste on your skin or can go for a mixture of fenugreek leaves with boiling water. Apply it on your skin and leave it overnight to get good results.

Honey: this is one of the best natural antiseptics that can help you treat acne. Apply it over the acne, or have it orally to have a healthy looking skin. You can also mix some lemon drops with honey and apply on skin to get a cleansing and nourishing effect.

Lemon: lemon helps to control the excess oiliness in your skin, and its acidic properties can kill the skin troubling bacterias. Mixing lemon with water and applying on the scars and washing away after two hours can help you bring down the scars.

Mint: juice of crushed mint leaves is a natural and gradual way to remove acne scars. Apply this crushed juice on the scar area regularly to see good results.

Olive oil: this miracle healer can kill pimple causing bacteria and deep nourish your skin. Wash your face first with lukewarm water and towel dry. Then massage your face with some olive oil and keep it there for two hours before you wash it off with some glycerine based face wash.

Potatoes: potato has got bleaching properties that can lighten the acne marks. Just rub a slice of potato or apply raw potato juice on the acne marks. Doing this regularly can also help in preventing acne from erupting again.

Rose water and sandalwood: rose water has the ability to kill germs, while sandalwood cream has a cooling effect that can bring down skin inflammation. Apply a mixture of them on your scars overnight and wash it off in the morning. In few days you will see the difference.

Sandalwood: mix sandalwood powder, rosewater and lemon juice and apply it daily on your acne marks. This will give you good results.

Turmeric and mint: turmeric’s antibacterial properties and mint’s healing properties can help you get rid of the acne marks very fast. Just mix turmeric powder and mint juice and apply it on your marks.

Tea tree oil: applying tea tree oil on your acne marks can heal them in quickly. Tea tree oil is also found to be having antibacterial properties that can protect you from further acnes.

Water, fresh fruits and vegetables: right amount of water is required for your body to keep it clean from inside. Keeping yourself clean from inside can also help your skin to be clean from outside. Right amount of water in your body can make your skin glow too. So make water, fresh fruits and vegetables part of your diet to keep yourself healthy and have a good glowing skin.

Yoghurt and cucumber juice: a mixture of these too if applied on the acne marks can help you in healing them quite quickly. Wash it off after 15 minutes on your face.

Other than all these, you can even try applying other home remedies on your acne, such as papaya juice, vitamin E oil capsules, curd, orange peel, besan, tender coconut water, tomato and cucumber, cinnamon, lemon or strawberries on your acne marks. All these can bring down your acne marks effectively.