I am in my forties and female. I have been struggling for some time now with learning self Catheterization I am also a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. I have found that learning self Catheterization has brought up issues that I thought I had dealt with years ago. Is there anyone out there that has been in the same position?. What has helped you to get past it and finally be successful?
I have contacted you before and am still struggling. I have found your book to be truly inspirational and in my world my bible. I refer to it over and over. I have recommended it to all of the healthcare professionals. I have been blessed to know you.
My Reply
You cannot imagine how encouraging your email is to me. Like you I have a neurogenic bladder and these days I do not feel so hot. My urine smells like kerosine and I have not had a ton of energy to write. Thank you so much for your kind words. I know there is little support for us I am glad what I wrote helps you.
I could use honest reviews for the book so if you have not done so already I would appreciate a review. When people honestly review the book others find the book easier.
What exactly are you having problems with? If you put it out as a comment on the blog, perhaps others will answer. I will for sure. That way we can help each other. When readers go to the "ask a question" part of the website, I am the only person to see the question but comments to particular blog posts, are seen by all the readers.
Hang in there, I will do the same. Many do not see our disability. But God does. He has our backs.
What I find interesting about your experience with an intermittent catheter is that it brings back memories of trauma. You know in the Book Beyond Embarrassment, I made the same comparison with sexual abuse and self Catheterization .
From Beyond Embarrassment by JoAnne Lake with Julia Parker https://www.amazon.com/Beyond-Embarrassment-Reclaiming-Neurogenic-Bladder-ebook/dp/B01HN4H5L2Intimacy-Song of Solomon 2:16 ( KJV)
My ReplySo you see those thoughts were felt by me as well. Even though using an intermittent catheter helps us, I think we also go through a grieving period. As we learn to cope I think things get better, it has for me anyway.
Another questionQuestion:
Dear friends, how are you?
I would like to know how much water will we suppose to drink during the day. As far as my urologist asked me to make 6 self catheterization each day with at least 400cc, this means to me, to drink a lot of water . I tried to drink less but my urine get strong smell. This is a point I never have clear. Thank you a lot if you could advise me. Have a beautiful day!
My Reply
The best person to ask is your your healthcare professionals because they know the condition of your kidneys and bladder. I found many articles on the subject.
I understand the heart of your question.Those of us that use an intermittent catheter could win the prize for the most colorful urine.I get that. Since I am not your doctor I am not qualified to say how much.
I know that staying hydrated is important.
Thanks for the question.Please report back to us after you have talked to your doctor
Here is an article I found.There are so many.
https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/how-much-water-should-you-drink-per-dayI hope we can help each other.