Question Wednesday(All About Me)

By Kwilliford @ExquisiteEczema
I am taking a quick break from studying(lab practical..ugh) to participate in something new. Nykki over at Nykki's Mane Blog has started a new series that I think is a great idea. If you are interested, head over to her site for the details =) Here are the questions and my answers for the first installment:
  1. How old are you?
    • 22 
  2. Why do you blog?
    • To put it simply, I blog because I love it. It gives me a way to express myself and write about what I love. I also just love the process of writing, as crazy as that may sound, lol. I also love interacting with my followers and other bloggers.
  3. What can we find on your blog?
    • Pretty much anything beauty related; products I like/dislike, FOTDs, health tips, etc. The one thing I do not do are nail posts. I will leave that to the bloggers that are amazing with that =)
  4. If you could travel anywhere in the world where would it be?
    • There are a lot of places I would love to see. Rome, Venice, Paris, Athens, Fiji, Tahiti, Vienna, Barcelona, Madrid, Santorini, Sydney, Germany, Switzerland, Tokyo. Pretty much the whole world, lol.
  5. What do you do for a living?
    • I am a full time student studying Biology and Spanish. I don't have an actual job at the moment(but I have applied for a paid summer internship *fingers crossed*), but I do a lot of volunteer work through my student organizations as well as keep them running.
Hope you enjoyed and have a great rest of the week!