Quel Bummer!

By Vickilane

This is painful. But after a lot of thought and agonizing and after consultation with Justin and Claui, John and I have reluctantly come to the realization that we still don’t feel comfortable with the traditional big Easter Party potluck this year.

It’s disappointing, as the shop is back and better than ever for a party, but the Covid problem, though apparently not nearly as serious as the past two years, is still lurking.

While I am cautiously venturing out to a few book-related events, I still mask for the grocery store and such. There are people in hospital very sick with Covid and I don’t want to be one, nor do I want to provide an opportunity to spread this insidious thing. And Josie is not yet old enough for the vaccine—a very real consideration.

 Furthermore, many of the folks we traditionally rely on as helpers are not able to attend due to other plans or a reluctance to travel.

We are united as a family in wanting to continue the tradition and, while we considered a very scaled back version of the party this year, it just didn’t feel right. We want to bring back the party as it was. Well, maybe not with the perilous pinata of early days, but with the free and easy and inclusive spirit that made it special. So again, we’re saying Next Year at Wool Branch! Back with a bang not a whimper!