Queen, Wake Up and Remember You’re Already Whole

By Pamelabrowncoaching @coach_pam_brown

Hello Sister Queen!

You came into this world with EVERYTHING you need to live royally fabulous.  You’re meant to reign in HIGH PLACES.  As a Queen, you have a sacred place right here on Earth that you’re meant to occupy!

As life goes by, many women forget who they are.  Here’s why I know you forget your wholeness…

You are born into a world of beliefs that tell you otherwise.  You’re born into a paradigm that tells you that you’re BROKEN, SINFUL, INHERENTLY FLAWED, ON YOUR WAY TO HELL, NEED SAVING, BROKEN, and INCAPABLE OF GOVERNING YOURSELF.

By 3 years old, many children have already ingested the inferiority complex the mindset of deep and profound self-doubt…feelings of inadequacy, powerlessness, beliefs around worthlessness, feelings of ugliness inside and out, feelings of self-hatred, and codependency.

You’re told that you can’t trust your soul’s voice- it’s evil and needs saving-so you give your power and authority away to authority figures who you believe have your best interests at heart, such as parents, preachers, teachers, and other guardians. 

They mold you into the person THEY WANT YOU TO BE.

They tell you who you are allowed to be, and that’s how you forget who you are.  As a result, you fall out of alignment with your soul’s path and create an empty life that keeps you feeling unfulfilled and stuck in a personal hell of your own.

These are the things that you may face as a woman…now consider the fact that you’re doing all this WHILE BEING BLACK.

Picture yourself on the job-the economic war zone-where you have to watch your back and what you say.  You work with and for people who work overtime to show you that they see you as inferior.

You can’t trust anyone.  You’re constantly fighting, mainly for your dignity and respect.  You’re punished for being too radical…too black.  You’re in constant fear of losing your job because they’re always looking for a reason to get rid of you.

Racial-related stress…what this does is intensify what you’re already feeling.  It deepens everything.  It kills your mental, emotional, and spiritual health.  It can also leave you feeling LESS THAN ENOUGH.

You want off the ‘plantation’, and you want off NOW.

What’s the solution?

The best way out of this mess is to claim your sovereignty.  Before you claim your power, you must reclaim your wholeness.  You are born encoded with everything you need to manifest your Queendom right here on Earth.  When you remember your wholeness, you can access your power.

Wholeness means that you are already inherently perfect, whole, and complete.  You are not lacking…you are not falling short.  You are ONE with the Universal Power-how can you lack anything?

How do you claim your sovereignty?


Why is this?  Because when you release what’s within you, it’ll save you and transform your world.  But if you don’t release what’s within you, it’ll destroy you and your world.

The energy released from activating your purpose raises your vibration, which allows you to connect to your Higher Power so you can navigate the mess and create the freedom you seek in your life.

I call this process Activating your Queen DNA.  

For a limited time, I am offering complimentary Activate your Queen DNA breakthrough sessions where together we will uncover one obstacle that is keeping you from feeling and/or being your greatest self…and a strategy you can carry out right away to change that.

If you are serious about your transformation and reclaiming your Queendom, then click on the image below to schedule your 30-minute complimentary breakthrough!

Or click here

And remember, you are a Queen upon the earth…a goddess wrapped in flesh!

To Your Regal Magnificence,

Pamela Brown

The Queen of Bounce Back

Women’s Empowerment Coach & Fierce Warrioress