Quaker Real Medleys Oatmeal+ Review

By Nesheaholic @nesheaholic
I received the Quaker Real Medleys Oatmeal+ complimentary to try out via Influenster
I've shared with you all before my staple oatmeal recipe. While I'd love to be able to whip up my oatmeal in the morning before leaving home, there are days where I sleep late or just don't have time, and being able to have a quick convenient solution at work is excellent, which is where the Quaker Real Medleys Oatmeal+ cups come in handy. I am a Quaker brand loyalist, I'll admit it. When I make my oatmeal at home I'm using Quaker plain old fashioned oats, so I'm not surprised that I enjoyed the Real Medleys product. 

The flavor I received was Peach Almond, definitely not a flavor I would have picked (I generally only add raisins or apples to my homemade oatmeal), but it was really good. The ingredients are really good, the first two were whole grain rolled oats and peaches, which makes me happy. It was not very sweet tasting at all, which I liked. 

The cooking is simple, you can microwave it right in the cup it comes in. I did have to microwave it longer than the directions indicated to get the thicker consistency I like in my oatmeal, so if you also like a thicker oatmeal I'd suggest using less water than suggested, or cooking longer. You can grab these cups for $1.79 each at your local grocery store!