Putting the Word "wellness" Back into My Life.

By Maddixfamily31 @inthemomentprod

Noah is doing more with his toys. Becoming more interactive with them, reaching for them, holding them for long periods of time. So that is nice to watch him actually sit and play for a bit. He played with a toy that has a seat and I tried so hard to get video on him playing but every time I tried, he would stop and look at me. The picture is the best one I got but doesn't he look happy? That just warms my heart to no end! 
I'm still waiting for the doctor's office to call back with appointments to get Noah tested and me tested for the Lowe gene. Just unbelievable. I think I'm going to call the other doctor back and tell her to make those appointments because she was going to have it done that day and I told her that the other doc said he would...and here we are, still waiting for someone to call me to make those 2 appointments. 
Despite the frustrations I've had lately, I've also been in a pretty good mood. I'm not sure where it's coming from but I like it! I hope it continues. Maybe switching taking my depression med's in the morning is better than nightly. Can't say that's what it is but who knows. I'm certainly enjoying it. 
However, what's funny is I think I ate something bad yesterday because I was not feeling good, if you get what I'm saying. So, the morning I felt puny and didn't want to move but by the afternoon I did start to feel better and my good mood continued. :) 
I guess the reason that I'm talking about being in a good mood is that it does benefit my son and my daughter. Even though I play with them and do Noah's exercises, I haven't really been into it because of all my worries muddling around in my head. I've actually spent more time with my kids, instead of on the computer—which is to try and find a decent job, and I am continuing the search but I'm also making more time for them. When it comes to our kids, we all should, shouldn't we? Life these days is just-BUSY. I think that's what I meant in an earlier post a few weeks back where I mentioned that I wanted to simplify my life. Just make more time for my family and do more of the things I love instead of putting it off. I'm pretty good at doing that lately! Do more of the things I love instead of just, well, procrastinating. Isn't that a terrible word? Just hearing it sounds like I'm in trouble. I should be. My creative juices are overflowing in my head and I've done nothing with it. I hope I don't die of overload creativeness syndrome, so I need to get on that. 
I'm having a garage sale soon to get rid of a bunch of things that we just don't need any longer. I hope it goes well. More of Noah's medical bills are coming in. I'd like some extra money to put to that. I'm also debating whether or not to do a craft fair for the jewelry I've made. It's hard to put forth the registration fee for a booth at a craft fair when I need money for Noah and general bills but I've also got the “I'm not that good” syndrome in my head. I like the stuff I make but will others go, “Oh, that's nice.” and then walk away, looking at their friend, and say, “Not.” Yes, I play out scenarios in my head. Doesn't everybody? If not, then I guess that's another weird thing about me. :) That's ok. I like being on the weird side of things. My husband says that's one of his favorite things about me. That we can be weird together and we do laugh at some of the dumbest things sometimes and I mean DUMB but to us, it's so funny, tears are running down our faces. I love those moments.  I cherish them.
Today, I think I'm going to make myself a daily agenda so that I can accomplish things more often. I don't know about anyone else, but I like actually checking things off a list. Makes me feel I'm doing something and not doing the dreaded [insert du-du-DUUUUU sound]...Procrastinate. 
So, as I wind down this edition of In the Moment blogging, there are a couple things I am really going to try and focus on in the next few months. 1) Not worrying so much. Does it really help things? Things will work out and my family will be ok. That's God's plan to help our family figure out what is best for us. I'm going to let him do more of the controlling and I think lately, I've really felt him in my life. 2) Spend more quality time with Noah and Isabella. 3) Start exercising again. I was mourning the loss of some great clothes from my closet recently that I just don't think I will wear anymore and it's more than just I'm too big for them now. I just don't need them but I do miss looking good in those outfits. 4) Make time to get creative. I love being in that state where I'm creating. Just creating and see what comes from it. I've been surprised at what I've come up with by simply playing around, putting it together and feeling proud of what I just created, all on my own. 
Till next time folks--stay in the moment,Jenna