Push It Wednesday Burn Out

By Lifeasarunningmom @RunningMom6
Burn out probably isn't the right phrase to use but I just need a break. I started Push It Wednesday as a formal entry on my blog to stay committed to my frame of mind to push things a step further in my training. You can read more about its beginning HERE. But the thing is, recently I am not pushing it just on Wednesday. My training is intense and my life is full so I feel each day I am pushing it, even if that means just finding the time for a nice and easy run. Therefore, I am finding it hard to write a meaningful, and hopefully motivational, post each Wednesday to document my journey.

See, long run moved to Thursday, intervals on Tuesday

The commitment to my training is still there but some of those Push It Wednesday runs have been moved to Tuesdays to accommodate my long run moving to Friday. I was even tempted to still do the intervals on my plate today since I couldn't yesterday. I had to run at home to accommodate dear hubby's birthday run and I really didn't want to adjust the intervals to that incline. I wanted to nail my prescribed time. But in the back of my mind there was doubt that I should do that and just have one down day before my long run on Friday....and that must be Friday. Do you see where I am going? Perhaps a bit crazy but still determined.
Those intervals may be lost this week but I feel I have room for them in upcoming weeks with a bit of jiggle. I haven't been jiggling much this training cycle and hope this jiggle time is just now and I will get back to the structure I was loving. Here is a glimpse at that structure.

I already modified my training to move runs to their respective days from this point forward. That will help. I had my original plan, I made adjustments to account for upcoming family time, and I solidified them formally. That makes me feel good. And the next three weeks will be a true test of determination as darling daughter and I spend time with Grandma, Aunties, Uncles, and Cousins and this Mommy finds a way to have fun and play while busting out some intense training runs. To be honest, I am looking forward to the challenge and feel it can all work out beautifully! My mom is incredibly supportive and has already formulated the Plan B of me running on her community's treadmill while she takes darling daughter to the pool. Can't you just see the bliss of me running in place knowing they are splashing in the pool? And yes it is a Plan B since it will be hot, hot, hot. Too bad dear hubby won't be with us this go around. He will be missed. But I do have a nifty new running vest to try courtesy of CamelBak. Now that will be fun! I hope.....
So I will be pushing my training on a regular basis and foresee that I will return to my weekly Push It Wednesday posts if I feel they add value, or if you tell me, hey lady, I needed those! Until then...I will still be posting my progress and letting you get to know a bit more about me. Stay tuned for some ABC Fun posts coming up the next few weeks! I will be going through the alphabet as a means to tell you about me and don't worry, I am doing a 3-4 letters a day. Each post will be titled ABC Fun and have a cute button that darling daughter drew for me! I was tempted to share her artwork today but decided, you just gotta wait!
Enjoy your day and the summer!
Daily Gratitude: I am thankful for those who ask, how are you doing?
Daily Affirmation: My faith is my strength....and I will set a good model for my daughter to have the same faith in her heart.