Puffy Eyes? Here's Something I Found.. Yves Rocher Soothing Decongesting Eye Care [sample]

By Ladydevz @Ladydevzz
I love receiving samples, but reviewing a product based on a sample good only for 2-3 uses is not something I do, unless the effect is that good or that bad. However, in reviewing this product, I used 2 samples from which I got 8-9 uses, so just know I am not kidding about this review.

Thanks to my naturally oily skin, I don't have many under eye lines or may be it is cos I don't care much about 'em. I have teeny tiny eyes, so my biggest headache is the puffy bags that make them even smaller. It also makes me look very tired - which is very useful when your boss is coming around to check how you work-but in general not a look you want! I have tried aloe patches,some massage techniques that made a slight difference, tea bags etc to reduce the puffiness, but so far all the eye creams that I used didn't do a thing for puffiness.
So when I got this sample along with some purchase I made from Yves Rocher, I was pretty skeptical and didn't actually think much about it. But 2 weeks back, when I woke up after a sleepless night , my puffy bags my eyes looked bigger than my eyes. Since I'd an important meeting in the morning, I was searching desperately for something that would make me look less like a drug addict ; I saw this sample and applied it under my eyes with some light tapping motion.

After reaching office [around 35mins],  I immediately ran to the ladies room to check my makeup and was surprised to notice that my eyes were back to their normal state! The puffiness was completely gone. I almost kissed the sample sachet!
I tested this over the last 2 weeks and I must say - this works, this really works! The cream is light and absorbs easily; no scent, no irritation and it hydrates very well too. Overall, muy impresionado. :) :) 

This product is available in full size 15ml for $24 CAD in Yves Rocher website.

Follow me on Twitter @ladydevzz