Promote Your Self-Growth: Eight Reasons Why You May Need a Life Coach

By Jenrene

By Sabah Karimi

Self-growth and enhancing your life is an ongoing process, and sometimes all it takes is a little motivation from another person or third party. An encouraging word, a fresh perspective, or a refreshing take on things can all impact your own viewpoint about something you’re struggling with. That nagging feeling that tells you it’s time for a change doesn’t have to be ignored.
A life coach is a mix of a therapist and a confidante; consider them your trustworthy, objective advisor for moving your life forward in the right direction. Whether you’re burdened with overwhelming responsibilities or just need some help with goal setting, a life coach may give you some insight to your path of self discovery. Here are just eight reasons you may need a life coach:
1. A life coach can help you strategize to win. When it comes to goal setting, even determination and perseverance aren’t enough; third party support can prove to be a very beneficial ‘kick’ in the right direction.
2. It’s a natural self-esteem booster. Sometimes no matter how hard you work at success, a blow here and there can really knock you off the right path. Instead of belittling yourself, cross-examining the issue with a life coach can help you get some perspective on things.
3. You can reassess your goals and develop specific plans. The most successful plans and goals you set are those that are specific and tangible; these work as self-motivators, and a life coach can help you outline these so that you’re consistently on course.

4. Your relationships will improve. Interpersonal, social, business, and family relationships always offer room for improvement. If you’re looking for better satisfaction from the connections with people around you, a life coach can help you determine which relationships are serving your positive goals-and which ones aren’t.
5. You can learn from experience and wisdom. Even if the coach isn’t beyond you in years, they may have other experiences and advice to draw from. Most are trained professionals that are skilled in managing a variety of personal problems. A life coach is a partner and mediator; they can help you analyze without judgment.
6. You can redefine your purpose. If you constantly find yourself asking the ‘Big’ questions in life, determining why you truly want those things will help you become more focused, organized, and improve your self-awareness. The result? A breakthrough in your previous limitations.
7. You’ll be more confident. From business networking to social skills, staying sharp and self-motivated can boost your self-esteem and natural confidence to the max. A life coach can help you renew your commitment to success in many parts of your life; consider it as a fresh way to learn self-empowerment.
8. You can count on yourself. When you build up your independence skills, there’s nothing better than knowing you can count on yourself to get through anything. A life coach can help you truly see your best assets; whether you have extraordinary talents or have secure relationships to draw from, knowing how to maximize your life and make peace with yourself is a valuable lifestyle!
A good quote to remember on your path to success:
Success is not finding the right person. It’s being the right person.
A life coach might just help lead the way to the best in you!

 Hello I am Jennifer Owens, and if this is something you think you may enjoy,  please consider. I do self care life coaching! If you are interested, please connect with me at .