PRODUCT REVIEW: The Face Shop’s New Zealand Volcanic Clay

By Reeseatomic @reeseatomic

So, we’re in the middle of Summer. How are you coping?

My skin? Not so great. Because I have oily/combination skin I have to constantly make sure it’s not too oily so my face doesn’t break out.

Pore strips are a Summer staple in my vanity. I use these about once a week (sounds excessive, I know) but with my skin and how crazy it can get, applying this to my routine once a week has helped my skin clear from hideous blackheads.

I found this during a shopping excursion in the city recently. It’s from The Face Shop and it’s pretty much pore strips in liquid form.

▪ Applies easily
▪ Affordable – saves you buying pore strips
▪ Fast drying
▪ Feels fresh and clean on the skin
▪ Not grainy on the skin – won’t scratch
▪ Applies anywhere on the face that is prone to blackheads
▪ Light fragrance ▪ Not 100% thorough

It is instructed that you apply onto a clean face, a thin layer of this product to the areas in which blackheads are more prone. Wait 10-15 minutes – until the product is dry – and unfortunately you can’t really tell when it is because the color of the product doesn’t change between wet or dry.
Once dry you carefully peel away the product and the blackheads will be removed.

NOW! Yes, it works but I did have high hopes for this.

Things I didn’t like about it was that it doesn’t set hard. It feels like soft plastic and with that not all blackheads are removed, which is a shame.

Also, if you apply it a little thicker than recommended the clay won’t set and you’ll be ending up picking at wet clay off your face instead.

This product is great – but not awesome. If you only get blackheads on your nose, stick with the strips and give this one a miss.
However, if you get blackheads on your forehead, sides of your nose and on your chin, definitely look into something like this because you can apply it into any forms in areas you need it the most.
Just remember to apply it thin and wait the recommended time. It might even help to do a deep cleanse afterwards.


Available from The Face Shop for just over $10.

How do you get rid of your blackheads?