Pro-Getto ESPM Lecture Twizy Project an Innovative Management Method

By Luciano

Luciano Bove Pro-Getto ESPM Lecture

  Dear friends,   last week I have been invited by the European School of Management in Torino Italy to give a lecture about Organization & Innovation. My lecture was to talk about our innovative management method to realize the Renault Twizy project in our R&D Design studio.   The conference was very interesting because there were 4 more participants from different professional fields and each one talked about innovative methods of project management:  from International special projects with Mr Claudio Barella APCOM to Advertising projects with Alessandra Fanzago Phoenix Advertising   a very innovative restaurant concept La Pescheria in Torino by Luca La Rosa to end with Social community foreign integration project named Balon Mundial explaned by its creator Davide Moratti.   Chairman of this event was Fabrizio Conicella and Roberto Villa the man behind the organization of this event and President of ESPM school.   For more infos click: Pro-Getto Organizzare l'Innovazione