
By Ireviewuread

Calling all Contests Junkies ! A new Contest & Giveaway portal have emerged from the dark! is a site where one can join and create legit contests on the go or back at your desks!

For Contest junkies, let’s start with me taking you through a step-by-step guide on how to utilize before moving on to their mobile app!

Psst. If you would like to skip the website tutorial and view their mobile app tutorial, just click HERE to do a bunny hop!

For people looking into as a place to promote your contests, click HERE to hop over to the business campaign tutorial!

Upon entering, you’ll be greeted with this page where you can choose to acknowledge the two ladies presence and sign up for an account OR scroll down to check out what contests are available.

If you like to skip this part and know more about your account after registration, click HERE

Assuming you chose to ignore the presences of the two ladies, you’ll be greeted with the top 3 contests of each category as seen below

Mainly, there are 4 categories of contests which you can choose from:

  1. Featured
  2. Popular
  3. Final Countdown
  4. Completed

Note: you can click on the words above to see more “Featured”, “Popular”, “Final Countdown” & “Completed” contest. If you are on their website, you can expand the categories by clicking on the words I’ve circled in blue, in the screenshot above.

However, if you feel that with such broad categories it’s simply impossible to find what you have in mind, no Fred for the sub-categories are here to the recuse!

All you have to do is scroll back up the site, click on the “Discover” button highlighted in the screenshot, and a black box will drop down!

In this black drop down menu, you can see many groups such as contest types, prize categories and locations which the owners of the site use to section the contests types.

Nevertheless, if you still can’t find what you are looking for, you can click the search box on the top right and type in your search!

Now, after all these you’ve finally found the contest you want to enroll yourself in! What to do next?

Take the contest in the red box as an example.

First step: Click on it

Subsequently, you’ll be directed to this page where the details of the contest is unveiled.

On the top of the page there are 3 tabs:

  • Home: Current page
  • Rules: Basic terms and conditions of the contest
  • Invite: Where you can invite your friends via email to partake in the contest

If you just want to join the contest without any fuss, just adjust your gaze to the right hand side of the page and fill in your details! As seen from the above, most of the contest requires you to like the sponsors’ Facebook page so it’s much easier if you login with your Facebook account.

To login, click on the Facebook logo at the side of the "Full Name" box!

After completing the steps, you’ll be redirected to this page prompting you to register with , relevant details about your contest which you’ve successfully enrolled in and recommended contests.

Psst. if you want to join this contest click the link HERE

Now that you’ve joined your first contest, you decided, that you would like to register as a member!

No problem! All you have to do is to fill in your password above and you are a member!

Likewise, if you are on the starting page: 

All you have to do is to sign up using you email or using your Facebook account.

I would recommend you to sign up using your Facebook account since most of the contests are Facebook related plus the process is faster and easier that way.

Anyhow, after signing up for an account, you’ll be directed to this page!

Firstly, let’s focus on the top bar where the points are located.

What exactly are these points for? Well, long story short, have this point system where every time you log in, join a contest, win a contest, etc. you are able to earn yourself some points.After you’ve earned enough points, you are able to exchange them for rewards ranging from gift vouchers to T-shirts!

If you are EXTREMELY curious about the “Business” Tab, click HERE to find out more!

*Unveiling what’s under the huge green box*

As shown in the screenshot above, here are the basic things you have to do to get yourself some points.

Along with the current rewards which are available for redemption once you hit their point limits!

Click HERE to view their point system

That’s about it on the Behind the Desk tutorial! Now let’s move on to the On the Go tutorial!

Psst. If you like to hop to another part of the post click HERE.

For those who have accessed website, you’ll noticed the, advertising the Prizle app at the top bar! Although the apps is available in both the App store and on Google play, I’m going to give you the tutorial on the Android app!

Firstly, download the Prizle app on your phone

For Android users click this link:

For iPhone users, click this link:

Next, if you have yet to register an account with, you are required to create one using email or…

by connecting your Facebook account!

After registering and logging in, you’ll arrive at this page:

Where the main categories are listed in the first tab!

If you are sick of staring at the featured contests, you can click on the sub tab “All” and arrive at this page:

This are the sub-categories where the types of contests are grouped accordingly!

In case that, you’ll like a more specific finding, you can head over to the second tab where you can search the contest by keyword, contest type, prize category or location.

Allow me to present to you an example; Let’s say, I like to search a contest from Singapore, so all I have to do is click on the 2nd tab, click on the “Search by Location” button and the Search by drop down menu, select Singapore and…

Here are the results!

OK next scenario! I’ve found the contest I like to join but how? 

Like how the website version works, all you have to do is click on the contest you would like to participate in and they will bring you to this tab where you are required to follow the above stated steps!

Since your particulars will be filled in automatically, you are only required to Like the organisers’ Facebook page and agreeing to their terms and conditions by clicking on the box!

After you’ve finished the steps, hit the “Join Now” button and you are enrolled!

Do note: Email invitations to your friends are optional. They are just there to help you increase your chances of winning.

Now for those of you who want to check your past contests which you’ve joined, click on the fourth tab and click on the sub tab which is labelled " Contest History"

And you can view all the contests which you are engaged in!

Of course, if you like to edit your profile or change your password, click on the little buddy icon on the top right hand corner and you’ll be directed to this page:

Where you can upload your profile picture, change your name, change your password and such.

and finally, the last tab which I’m going to touch about would be the favorites tab!

Listed third from the left, this tab is where the contests which you’ve favorite and chose to watch fall under.

As seen, I’ve not Favorited anything so it’s empty!

So, that’s it for the Android mobile app tutorial! Since I currently don’t own any apply products, I can’t show you how the iTunes one works but I believe they are quite similar!

Psst. If you like to hop to another part of the post click HERE.

Last but not least, we finally have arrived on the tutorial for using for business purposes!

Ok first things first, of all the platforms available out there to promote your contest, why should you use to do so?

Well, the reasons are actually quite simple:

  1. High Effciency
  2. Low cost
  3. Huge target market
  4. Ease of use

Not convinced? Read on!

First and foremost, in order to create your own campaign, you have to register for an account and log in. Click HERE to see how to create an account!

Subsequently after you log in, you’ll be directed to this page:

If you are on this site for joining of contests only and accidentally, directed yourselves to this page, no fear! All you have to do is click the word “Public” on the top right hand corner and you are back to your original dashboard!

To start, click on “Create a Campaign now" and you’ll be given 7 campaigns which you can choose from:

After selecting your campaign you’ll be directed to this page and I swear, the fact that the site is so easy to use really tempted me on hosting my own contest again:

You might have to download this image to see the content clearly, but trust me as person who held contests before, I would say that this platform is the one you would want to promote your contest on.

Here’s most of what the editing campaigns tabs looked like.

As expected, things which are THIS good, are not entirely free.

Currently, they offering a free trail for the first 80 who host and launch contests by themselves! So a shout out to all blogshop owners, bloggers and other individuals, “Host and promote your contest here for free while the trail and other perks are available!”

With that last part said, we’ve finally come to a conclusion of this extremely lengthy 3 part tutorial of!

To go back to the top to check out the website, mobile and business tutorial, click HERE.

To go the, click on the words or click HERE

To go to's business side, click HERE

To go to Facebook click HERE

If you have any enquiry about this post or about, just leave a comment below or email me by clicking HERE I’ll answer them as soon as possible!

In the mean time, have fun joining contests!