Printcious Magnet Review | Sponsored

By Ireviewuread

Magnets are a form of temporary decorations. They could be moved from place to place without damaging anything. Aside from that, magnets comes in different designs as well. Most of them are beautiful, rare and difficult to find. That's why I collect them on my memory board. As you would have decipher, in this post I'll touch on magnets, more specifically custom magnets.

I guess you can say we are magnetised.

Customized Magnets with Printcious

About a week ago, I talked about customization with Printcious. Although in the previous post I talked about printing on a jigsaw, I decided to go with a magnet instead. And I was not disappointed.

Anyways, if you have no idea what is Printcious, you can refer to my previous Printcious post here. To sum up, printcious is a printing company that helps you customize your gifts by printing on them. They print on mugs, jigsaws, ceramic tiles and more.

The customisation process was pretty straight forward and easy as mentioned here. When you're done with the process, you can add it to cart or go back to edit it.

Quick Delivery via Ninja Van

After a mere 8 days of waiting, the product is delivered to my doorstep via Ninja van. That was so quick! Besides the product, the package came with an alluring thank you card too. I love the graphics on the card and the font of the words.

The Magnet Quality

Zooming in to the customized magnet. I've printed a photo from my photoshoot with Click clique studios with a quote at the top. The quote is from John Green's Looking for Alaska book. As you've known I was a bit obessed with John Green's book at a certain period of time*, so this is not unexpected.

Anyways, back to the magnet. I like how the surface is smooth and shiny. On top of that, the colours on the magnet was rather true to photo. I like how the words blended in with the photo such that it does not look out of place.

*Another of my John Green book obession is Paper towns. You can refer to my Paper town card tutorial here.

Well-protected for delivery

The magnet comes in this cute white box. It was also well-protected with a thick layer of bubble wrap. It's such a doll how Printcious takes the time and delicately wrap our products to ensure it arrives in one piece.

Don't mind me, but the camera refuse to focus on the magnet.

Thick & Light Magnet

The magnet was thick and light. I like thick magnets for it forms a shadow on the stuff they are holding or behind them. It makes them stand out more than the usual flat magnets.

Magnet's Strength

The magnet did have enough strength to hold up a polaroid picture. However, do keep those pictures to a minimum of one for it will get tired.

Shi Hui's Magnetic Memory Board

Presenting my memory magnet board, where my collection of magnets are displayed. Look at how my new printcious magnet fits in with the rest. It's perfect!

Printcious Magnet Final Verdict

All in all, I like how they have a speedy delivery time. On top of that, the package was well protected with bubble wraps and a box. The magnet was also light and a suitable decorative size. I also like how it's colour is true to the picture. A well-made magnet!

So what are you waiting for? Visit Printcious's website to get your very own customized gifts as well!

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