Prevent Surgery with Prostara

By Randycrews987
Are you having problems with your urinary functions but would not go to the doctor for fear of undergoing surgery? Going under the knife is understandably alarming, but not knowing what you are suffering from is not just more distressing, but also dangerous. If you are experiencing incontinence and difficulty urinating, then you need to see a doctor immediately so he could run tests and give you a correct diagnosis. You could probably have an enlarged prostate or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a condition common among aging men. If you do have BPH, do not fret. There are many methods of managing the disorder, one of which is by taking Prostara.

BPH in a Nutshell

The prostate is a walnut sized and shaped gland that is wrapped around the urethra, the tube that connects the bladder to the penis and carries the urine out from the bladder. The prostate's function is to produce fluid that protects and carries sperm out during ejaculation.
As they age, most men have continued prostate growth. This growth causes squeezing of the urethra, which then leads to urinary problems. Doctors are not clear about what causes the prostate to enlarge, but hormonal changes brought about by age are believed to be the leading cause. Family history, obesity, diabetes and heart diseases are some of the risk factors for prostate enlargement, as well as age and ethnicity (Asian men are less likely to develop BPH than white and black men).

Do you need surgery?

Surgery is not the go-to treatment for BPH, as minor symptoms can be relieved through lifestyle changes while more pronounced symptoms can be treated using medicines and herbal supplements. However, surgery is needed if you experience the following:
1. Non-passage of urine.
2. Urethral blockage that leads to UTI, bladder damage and bladder stones.
3. Hematuria or blood - either visible or microscopic - in the urine.
4. Even without these, some men opt for surgery, believing that the operation would improve their symptoms. Some doctors also recommend surgery if other treatment methods do not improve BPH symptoms.

Surgery for BPH: Complications

Resorting to surgery for treatment of BPH symptoms can be risky, as it can cause complications such as:
1. Acute urinary retention. Men who get this complication will have to wear a catheter until they can start urinating on their own.
2. Incontinence. Surgery can result in an overactive bladder, giving the patient a strong urge to urinate that leads to leaking and dribbling of urine.
3. Urethral scar tissue. Surgery may cause scar tissue which can build up over time and block the flow of urine.
4. Bleeding. Severe bleeding can result from surgery, even requiring blood transfusion.
5. Fertility problems. Surgery can cause retrograde ejaculation or backing up of semen into the bladder instead of going out of the penis.

The Prostara Solution

Unless you have complete faith in surgery, you would not want to put yourself at risk and suffer the complications. Fortunately, you have Prostara, a potent combination of antioxidants, minerals and herbal extracts that work to promote optimal prostate health. Aside from reducing symptom of BPH, this supplement also encourages healthy libido, something chemical medicines r surgery cannot provide.
Having BPH does not mean suffering its symptoms till the end of your days. With Prostara, you can live your life with confidence and ease, free from urinary difficulties.