Press Release: Tawdry Terrier - Whitley's Pool Ball

By Alittlepolish @oblassa
Whitley's Pool Ball Press Release

To see an online version of this press release, please click here.

To celebrate a Tawdry Terrier birthday, on September 12 we will be giving away a free bottle of Tawdry Terrier "Whitley's Pool Ball" to all customers who purchase two or more polishes at our Etsy shop.  Any remaining stock after September 12 will be listed for sale.

Tawdry Terrier "Whitley's Pool Ball" is an aqua blue glass fleck polish with iridescent glitter reminiscent of bubbles in a swimming pool.
Tawdry Terrier offers custom blended polish, using a 5-free formula containing cosmetic-grade mica and glitters.  All polishes are limited edition.Follow our blog, and follow us on FacebookTwitterTumblrInstagramPinterest, Google Plus, and BellaShoot