PRESS RELEASE: Redbook Contest: Name A New Zoya Color!

By Alittlepolish @oblassa
PRESS RELEASE: Redbook Contest: Name A New Zoya Color!
 Have you ever dreamed of naming a Zoya Color? This is your big chance to join in on the color naming fun... Zoya Creative Director, Rebecca Isa has created 3 gorgeous, new colors for Redbook and the magazine is running a naming contest for them in the September 15 Issue (page 60).
·   Creamy Cherry Red·   Metallic Plum·   Sheer Sparkly Gold
 PRESS RELEASE: Redbook Contest: Name A New Zoya Color!  As you may know, Zoya names all of our colors after women - so submit your Mom or Bestie or Idol or even your own name to maybe become the next new Zoya! ENTRY FORM: RULES:
OR USE THE QR CODE PROVIDED HERE FOR DIRECT ACCESS. After the winning names are selected by the Redbook team, the colors will be available through December on as a full size (0.5 oz) trio - $27 (US). And as individual colors in salons and ULTA stores - $9 ea. (US). PRESS RELEASE: Redbook Contest: Name A New Zoya Color!