I’ve been reading It Starts With Food every evening before bed. {My fiancé gave up TV for lent so that means less TV for me as well.} I’m trying to finish the book by Monday because I’ll be starting my next round of the Whole 30. My goal is to stay on the Whole 30 until the end of September or early October. Let me explain myself. Last year I did one round of the Whole 30 and I felt amazing but I didn’t even think about going longer. Since then I have read so many success stories from people who chose to do multiple rounds of the Whole 30 and their results were unbelievable. I want to push myself to see what kind of results I can have.
Why am I waiting until March 2nd? Well, my birthday is February 28th and I would like to indulge in a piece of vanilla cake with vanilla frosting before I give up ALL added sugar for seven months.
For the last four weeks I have been slowly trying to clean up my diet. I’ve cut out bread, pasta and dairy. I have to say that dairy is something I should have never even added back into my diet. I always hope that I’ve cured myself because I start feeling so much better {obviously because I’m not consuming dairy} so I add dairy back in and I pay for it with horrible cystic acne, allergies and asthma symptoms. I haven’t really noticed any huge changes from eliminating bread and pasta but I feel so much better since I said good-bye to dairy AGAIN. Hopefully my detox period will not be too painful.
I’ve started stocking up on Whole 30 compliant groceries and I wanted to share those with you. As I add more I will share more.
I know these are not the healthiest items but I keep them for emergencies. They are quick and compliant so when I’m in a pinch they will come in handy.
I started buying coconut oil before my first Whole 30 last year and I’ve been hooked since then. I use it to cook, in my Bulletproof Coffee, to wash my face and as a moisturizer for my hair.
I fell in love with cashews last year during my first round of the Whole 30 but I have not been able to find compliant cashews or cashew butter. I did, however, find this compliant almond butter at Trader Joe’s. I like to dip my apples in nut butter. It Starts With Food mentioned that sunflower butter tastes very similar to peanut butter so I may try and find some compliant sunflower butter.
These are a little tart but they will work to curb my cravings for something sweet if I am unable to get my hands on fresh fruit. The only ingredient is strawberries.
Compliant bacon!!! This stuff was expensive, which is a good thing to me. The price will keep me from eating too much of it. I found this at Sprouts and it was close to $7.
I absolutely love coconut milk in iced coffee. Don’t bother getting the light version. It’s disgusting. Full fat is the best! I’d really like to try making some ranch dressing with this as well.
I would have never even tried ghee if it weren’t for the Whole 30. This stuff is delicious, especially on a baked potato with some broccoli. I also throw it in my Bulletproof Coffee every now and then.
And these! These are little pieces of perfection in a wrapper. I have grown to like Larabars. I wasn’t impressed the first time I tried them because I don’t like dates but they grew on me. But THESE were love at first bite. They even have the Whole 30 stamp of approval on them.
I also purchased some dried apricots from Trader Joe’s but they have sulfur dioxide in them. After doing some research I found that sulfur dioxide is not allowed on the Whole 30 so I will not be eating those. I’m going to stock up on chicken, steak and produce over the weekend. I can't wait to get started!