Pregnancy | 23 Weeks with Baby #2!

By Livedwithlove @kerrymarie

How far along? 23 weeks!! Total weight gain/measurements: I don't weigh myself! Maternity clothes: Still my Topshop maternity jeans and Belly Bandit leggings still. Stretch marks? No new ones still. Best moment this week: Handing the keys back for our old house and Warren feeling baby girl's kicks! Miss anything? Not much this week! Movement: All the time! Rolls and kicks :) Food cravings: None, eating really healthy at last! Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope
Gender: GIRL!!!
Labour signs: Nope! Symptoms: Not many apart from a growing bump & boobs! Belly button in or out? In Wedding rings on or off? Engagement ring on Happy or moody most of the time? Happy, happy, happy! Looking forward to: Booking our 4d scan soon! Follow me: BlogLovin' // Twitter // Facebook // Google+ // Pinterest // Instagram