Praise for DAVID’S STORY

By Gran13

David's Story cover kindle

David’s Story by Jill Sadowsky is available from SMASHWORDS or AMAZON as a Kindle Book.

Praise for David’s Story: by Dvora Waysman, author.

David’s Story is a heart-breaking study of the progress of schizophrenia, destroying not just one life, but making tragic inroads into the lives of every family member. This story gripped me from the first page and I grieved along with the author. I highly recommend it. Jill Sadowsky’s honest recording of her son’s mental illness is written with sensitivity and compassion, born out of love and pain.

By David Greenberg, MD Director of Community Mental Health Services, North Jerusalem, Associate Clinical Professor of Psychology, Hebrew University Jerusalem, Editor of the Israel Journal of Psychiatry.

David’s Story is a deeply  moving account of the struggle of a family with a son with schizophrenia. Jill Sadowsky describes in the  most credible detail, watching her son deteriorate into psychosis, experiencing his suicide attempts, acts of destruction and his threats to his loved ones. She describes her response to the medication and its side-effects, compulsory treatment, seeing her son in restraints and the hopes and disappointments of seeking new treatments. In the midst of these events, she relates how she and her husband continued to love their son, despite the chaos and destruction his illness caused. Up to 50% of sufferers attempt suicide in the course of the illness and 5% die by suicide.  I particularly recommend this book to every person working in the field of mental health.