I have now "upgraded them to superior accommodation", so to speak. The 'A-team' ones are in 8-inch pots and the reserves are in 5-inch ones. The same applies to my "Mira" Cabbages. Here you can see one of each type.
The table on the patio is overflowing with brassica plants!
Fortunately I have seen hardly any white butterflies so far, so I have not (yet) had to provide my plants with netted protection.
Meanwhile, I have another type of brassica on the go. These are little seedlings of Brokali. For those of you who don't know this vegetable, it is a cross between Broccoli and Kailaan (Chinese Kale).
This is a quick-maturing vegetable, suitable to Summer cultivation. My intention is that it will replace the "De Ciccio" broccoli when that is finished. With space in my garden being fairly limited, I have to make maximum use of it by replacing plants as soon as they finish.