Post-July 4th Trivia On Tuesday

By Theomnipotentq @TheMightyQuinn
Trivia Night on Tuesday will feature a category we did a while back, and here it is again: "Name The Decade Trivia." I will give you seven events from the 20th century and you have to tell me which decade it occurred in. And if you really know your stuff, if you give me the exact year correctly, you'll get an extra point.
The Q Train lightning round will be "True or False Trivia."
The Sneak Peek question is:
"According to Shakespeare, what is 'the better part of valor?'"
We get going at 9 PM, and in the background, the Red Sox play the Blue Jays at Fenway. (It's "Nova Scotia Day" at Fenway, and I hope my friends from that beautiful Canadian province have a great night at the ballyard.) I hope many of you can come out, after enjoying your July 4th holiday!