Post-it® Love

By Sweetheartdiary @Amna_88_Afzaal

Something that's easy to use and is always in our reach becomes the all time favorite. Post-it® notes not only provide quick access but they also look very creative and cute. Imagine a desk without Post-it® stationary, you can't! 
When I was in school, I used them to mark the important pages, write short notes and paste them on different pages. Now when I am at work, I use them to write notes and pass notes them over to my colleagues. You may also find my home desk full of Post-it® supplies. 
The interesting thing about these cute sticky notes is that they are the best to be used for origami art.
I have made tons of things using these super sticky notes.
Imagine you are in your office, you haven't got any wok to do, you are reading an interesting book and suddenly your boss calls you or he is about to enter the your room, yes you heard his shoes! How are you going to quickly mark your page? 
Post-it® made the solution for you! 
Either use the Post-it® 1 inch flags and if you don't have them then you can make a Post-it® Sticky Notes Bookmark for yourself. 

Yes it is just that easy!