Pork Binagoongan Recipe (Pork Cooked in Shrimp Paste)

Posted on the 20 December 2020 by Sp00kje

Pork Binagoongan, as one might have already noticed, has two main ingredients; the pork and the Bagoong (shrimp paste).

Owing to the country’s archipelagic geography, it is guaranteed that there wouldn’t be any shortage of seafood and seafood-related products.

With this in mind, we can say that this Pork Binagoongan recipe has easy-to-acquire ingredients that you have a choice of getting it fresh from the sea or buy it packed from the supermarket.

Pork Binagoongan is a delicious Filipino dish which owes much of its tastiness to the combination of sweetness, sourness, and the saltiness of the bagoong alamang, the decadence of the pork and the added pungency of the green chili and siling labuyo which can be added into the dish or used as a garnish.

Pork Binagoongan Recipe Preparation Tips

Cooking Pork Binagoongan is easy in that you will just sautee the boiled diced pork with the garlic, onion, bagoong alamang, and vinegar.

As simple as this dish is, it is actually where Filipino creativity can kick in as you have the choice to use or forego certain ingredients.

The bagoong alamang that you are going to use; whether you bought it packed from the supermarket or from the town market, can be of two variants.

It could be either the sweeter variant commonly used for mangoes or the saltier variant commonly used as a side dip for other dishes.

For the eggplant and the siling labuyo, you have a choice of sauteing the eggplant and siling labuyo together with the pork binagoongan mixture.

This is a good choice since the eggplant will soak up the flavor of the bagoong and will act as an extender.

This same choice can be made with the green chili as you can either add it in the sautee or use it as garnish (if you included siling labuyo).

Simple but delicious, this Pork Binagoongan recipe can be easily followed and the resulting dish best partnered with heaps of rice and a drink on the side.


Pork binagoongan recipe (pork cooked in shrimp paste)

Pork Binagoongan is a delicious Filipino dish which owes much of its tastiness to the combination of sweetness, sourness, and the saltiness of the bagoong alamang, the decadence of the pork and the added pungency of the green chili and siling labuyo. Course Main CourseCuisine FilipinoKeyword Pork, Shrimp Prep Time 10 minutesCook Time 45 minutesTotal Time 55 minutes Servings 5 people Author Joost Nusselder Cost $8


  • lb pork/pork belly cut lengthwise into 2-inch thick slabs
  • 6 cloves garlic crushed
  • 1 tbsp salt
  • vegetable oil for deep frying and sauteeing
  • 1 small onion chopped
  • 1 tomato chopped
  • ½ cup bagoong alamang (salted, fermented shrimp paste)
  • a few Thai chilies (optional)


  • Place pork belly, 2 cloves of garlic, and salt in a pot and add water, enough to just cover the pork. Bring to a boil and reduce to the simmer.
  • Continue to cook until the pork is fork-tender, about an hour.
  • Drain the pork
  • Measure 1/2 cup of pork stock and reserve the rest for future use.
  • Pat the pork dry with paper towels and cut into 2-inch pieces.
  • Fill a wok or a pot with at least 2 inches deep of oil and heat the oil.
  • Deep fry pork in small batches until brown.
  • Fish out with a strainer and place on a platter lined with paper towels.
  • Heat oil in a pan over medium-high heat.
  • Saute onions until fragrant and softened about 5 minutes.
  • Add the rest of the garlic and saute until lightly browned about 2 minutes.
  • Add tomatoes and saute until softened, about 5 minutes.
  • Add bagoong alamang, 1/2 cup pork stock, and chilies.
  • Bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes.
  • Add pork belly and combine well.
  • Serve.

If you’re going to buy the shrimp paste, you should definitely check out this delicious recipe: Pinakbet with Bagoong Shrimp Paste, an easy 40 minute recipe