Polish Us Pink - China Glaze Shell-O

By Marijonails @marijonails
Hi fellow nail polish lovers!!
I'll be participating in #PolishUsPink during the month of October for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

For my first post, I decided to grab China Glaze Shell-O, a gift I received from Nail Tech Supply.  It's a bright pink jelly, so of course I had to do a jelly sandwich ;0).

I used two coats of Shell-O, one coat of OPI Pirouette My Whistle, and one coat of Shell-O.  I used no top coat for this mani.

Artificial Light

Artificial Light (Light Box)

I really love this mani!! Shell-O is such a gorgeous shade of pink and Pirouette My Whistle is pure awesomeness!!
What do you guys think of this mani?  Do you have any of these polishes?
Learn more about what breast cancer is and the different types here.
If you plan to join us in Polish Us Pink, be sure to tag your manis on IG.