Plentiful Peas

By Charlottsgarden @charlottsgarden

One of this first things I sowed outside in our newly transformed and hopefully soon bountiful garden was peas.  I chose a heritage variety called ‘Alderman’ which dates back to the end of the 17th century. Apparently it grows up to 1.80 m tall and should give me plentiful main crop pods with up to 11 peas in it!

Deposits of Peas have been found on sites in central Turkey dating as far back as 5700 BC and evidence of stored peas has also been in the ruins of early Troy! The Pea is truly an ancient crop and can proudly stand alongside wheat and barley who have been consumed by us humble humans just as long.  The Pea’s journey continued to India and then China around 900 AD and probably hit our shores with the Romans if not before with earlier invaders. But our love for the pea grew cold in the Dark Ages and wasn’t rekindles until 14th century. The little pea even played a role in some of the first genetic studies by an Austrian Monk Gregor Mendel in 1860′s. Today there are countless varieties even leafless one such a ‘Bikini’

I’m growing my short little row of peas along our stock (beagle) prove fence along with some sticks I collected from the hedgerows around our village. The fence and the sticks will hopefully offer all the support the peas need.

I’m hoping to sow more successions maybe at least another sowing in a week or two. That’s if I can cram some more in as all the available climbing space I can think of in my garden as been allotted.

If all goes well I shall be picking my peas at the beginning of July.  I can just imagine sitting out in the garden in the evening sun podding peas.

I just read about their being a purple podded pea I think I might have to try that one next year.