Pink Hair!

By Beautybliss @BeautyBliss14

Welll helloooo there!

I’ve noticed I’ve had a few new followers lately, so hey guys! But this also made me conscious of the fact that I really need to post more instead of being a lazy so and so!

So, I thought I would share a few plans with you, mainly the plans of my hair, know, it’s important information.

As you may guess from the title, I am going to be dying my hair pink! Pastel pink to be precise! However, this could end up going extremely terribly and with my track record of hair, it probably will.

So, I guess I’m looking for a bit of advice. What’s best to use? What method worked best for you? Please, please share your thoughts as I really don’t want to end up with orange hair or have it all fall out, cause that could happen…(definitely not being over-dramatic there…).

So..yeah, share your thoughts and advise and I will love you forever- promise!

(I’ve added a photo of me now…as some of you may not even know that I now have blonde hair…it’s been THAT long!)