piCture pOlish: Frosting

By Thepolishwell @thepolishwell
Sent for Review
It's Wednesday again! Ordinarily I would be really happy because it is mid-week but I have an upcoming function this Friday that I absolutely dread so... ugh. It's Wednesday :(
Unhappy function aside, I've another piCture pOlish pretty to share with you today!

Frosting. 2 thin coats.
A sheer milky pink nude base filled with fuchsia, purple and silver hex glitters and a smattering of *gasp* silver hearts! Really sweet combination I must say! I had initially intended to go with 3 thin coats but I love that slightly sheer and delicate look at 2 coats so I didn't go further than that.
The formula of this one is slightly tricky. The base is slightly thicker than the other piCture pOlish shades to hold up those heavy heart glitters but not completely unmanageable. I might thin it a little the next time I use it though. I also gave my bottle a few hard shakes to loosen the glitters before application.
So what do you think of this collaboration shade with Michelle of Cosmetic Cupcake? I must say I am really loving the collaboration shades done by piCture pOlish!
p.s. they have released some new shades and Bewitch is... *swoon*
Frosting is available at piCture pOlish's website and through its network members. You can follow piCture pOlish on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook for more updates and new releases as well!

**Products were provided for our honest review. Please see our disclosure policy for more information.**