Picking Up A Book Again…

By Beautybykaris @beautybykaris

Hey There,

Going back a good few years I could never put a book down, being a huge fan of the Philip Pullman books, I think I read most of the Harry Potters and of course Tracey Beaker, (Bet you can guess I’m talking about my primary school years). When I went to secondary school I lost a lot of interest in the things I used to love, (Probably thought I was too cool), now I’m always saying that I want to get back in to reading, but I often find myself getting bored, or skipping a couple of pages in the book as I am too impatient to wait to know what happens, (Maybe its the books I read?). I have recently read books one and two of the Hunger Games, (The first book I have finished in a good few years), while the third is just gathering dust in my room. I should really get round to reading it but I’m not going to lie, the constant dreaming of being hunted or chased makes its a little less appealing, (My dreams can be crazy sometimes). I would love to read Game of Thrones but in my head there’s just too many books, pages and words, (As ridiculous as that sounds), and can you imagine what my dreams would be like, (I don’t even want to think about it).

And there’s also the added problem of finding the time to read… My mom is one of those holiday goers who spends the week in the sun reading a book a day. My previous holidays have tended to be a bit more party a little less relaxation, but after a few chilled days in the sun last week with the boyfriend I was really in the mood to read, (So I stole Ben’s book at the end of the week).

If you asked me what type of genre books I like, I couldn’t tell you, I like fantasy/action films but I don’t know if that’s what I would specifically look to read. I don’t think I could cope with murder/inspector books as I would be having nightmares about people trying to kill me or something. I want a book that is easy to follow and read but also gets you gripped and excited to carry on reading.

Are you a book lover? What is your favorite book? Would love some suggestions…

Have a fabulous Saturday all.

Lots of Love,
