Photography ~~ Embracing the Snow

By Vintagefrenchchic

I may be sick but it hasn’t stopped me from being over the moon with all our recent snow accumulation.  Finally!  For those of you not familiar with the term “lake effect” snow, let me educate you:

The above photo was taken two days ago and the one below was yesterday.

This is of the back yard yesterday afternoon:

And again last night:

Coming down during the day yesterday:

Of course after a substantial amount of snow, I am dying to go get some photos of the beauty that surrounds me.  These were taken on Tuesday after I got off work:

And these are from this morning.  It was gorgeous seeing the sunlight reflecting on the snow:

I did not engage in this activity for long:

We live close enough to the Lake Michigan shoreline to make a big difference in how much snow we get versus other parts of Michigan (in the lower peninsula).  In the past 3 days we have gotten at least 12″ of snow but I really think it is more than that…maybe around 15-16″.  Since we live kind of on the edge of the snow belt, towns not even 10 or 15 miles east  from us may have received less than half of that while towns 10-20 miles west may have gotten more.  It is crazy. Crazy beautiful!
